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Living NVC
six-day Holiday near
stunning Porthleven
Friday 4th to Thursday 10th October 2019

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) or Compassionate Communication as it is sometimes known, is an easily learned yet profound process for communicating with empathy, honesty, power and integrity. This two day workshop will be experiential, thought provoking, supportive and fun.
Cost: A Sliding scale between £80 to £150.
As I want NVC to be available to EVERYONE, please contact me if the cost would prevent you from coming. I am very willing to explore ways to enable you to attend.
as developed by Marshall B Rosenberg PhD
MAY 11TH AND 12TH 2019
from 10am to 5pm both days
Most of us are hungry for skills that can improve the quality of our relationships, to deepen our sense of personal empowerment, or simply help us to communicate more effectively.
Unfortunately, most of us have been educated from birth to compete, judge, criticise, demand and diagnose, to think in terms of what is 'right' or 'wrong', 'good' or 'bad' with people.
NVC helps us to reach beneath the surface of these judgements and discover what is alive and vital within us, and how all of our actions are based on universal human needs that we share and are seeking to meet.
Would you love to be able to:
Identify the rich world of your feelings and what you are needing in any moment?
Discover and respond empathically to what others might be feeling and needing?
Make choices with awareness rather than reacting to situations?
Express frustrations without blame or judgement?
Hear difficult responses without reactions of hurt or blame?
This profound process offers insight into why we human beings sometimes struggle to understand and accept one another, and offers skills to use that insight to grow compassion for self and others, and the values from which we choose to live.
It has the capacity to deeply enrich life and relationships.

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