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Living NVC

I am pleased to invite you to the 2nd 6 day ‘Living NVC' Holiday experience to be held near  stunning Porthleven, Cornwall, in the beautiful 18th Century Scott's Cottage ( in Trew, Breage, about 10 minutes from Porthleven. Scott's Cottage sits within a World Heritage Site, at the end of an ancient lane, surrounded by glorious countryside with views down the valley towards Porthleven, Goonhilly and The Lizard.


Friday 4th to Thursday 10th October 2019


This will be an intimate, fluid, open and explorative space to live a quality of non-judgmental acceptance for who we are, and how we can show up in any given moment......a place of compassionate care for our unique individuality and expression of being, with all the ways we have learnt over years being met with care and consideration - for ourselves and each other. NVC and compassion in action.

"I've just experienced a very magical few days.

Vicky, I'm appreciating your great care to the detail of our well-being - the peaceful room that held us in comfort, the delicious food that nourished us and the flexible time to relax and process our experiences - and - your empathic understanding reflecting and receiving us. Both to experience and learn from this is such a gift for me. I have a deeper sense of inhabiting my body, a little more grounding, self-trust and for that I am very all my fellow journey friends."

Avril, September 2018

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Cost: A sliding scale from £350 to £500. I invite you to contribute what you can afford within this range, and please talk to me if you wish to negotiate this further.

Spaces are limited to 8 and can be secured by a deposit of £50. 



I acknowledge both Marshall Rosenberg and Robert Gonzales for their development of NVC and Living Compassion, and both form part of the foundation from which I will be holding the 6 days.


You will have opportunities to be held in compassionate presence, and I will use my many years experience of living NVC and facilitating groups. In the afternoons and evenings there will be time to explore this wild, ancient land and coastline, and maybe swim (for the brave). Or you may wish for some quiet time to be in solitude. This is your holiday and the choices will be yours.

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To allow time for the journey here, we plan to start at 4pm on the first day, and end at 2pm on the last, giving you time to travel home.

Trains and coaches end at Penzance from where you could be picked up, or catch a local bus to Breage.


Vicky is a Certified Facilitator with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication.


For more information and booking, please contact Vicky on 07815 447479 or 01326 564738, or email

Contact: Vicky Peirce at
 07815 447479 
for more information and bookings
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